Myth Busters: A Guide to Easy Scheduling with Slyce Properties

Imagine holding your phone anywhere in the world, tapping a few times, and just like that, your next dreamy getaway is booked at your luxurious second home. This is the seamless experience Slyce Properties owners enjoy, thanks to our revolutionary Rotating Priority System. Despite some common myths, scheduling your stays with us is as easy as enjoying a café au lait and a beignet on the banks of the Mississippi. Let's debunk these myths with insights from Slyce Properties CEO and the experiences of our happy homeowners.

Myth 1: Co-ownership Complicates Scheduling

Not with Slyce Properties! Our Rotating Priority System makes booking your stay a breeze. Choose from planned or last-minute stays, see availability in real time, and book effortlessly. As one of our owners, Spencer, puts it, "What I really love about this place... is the ease and convenience of ownership here… All I have to do is pack my bags and show up and enjoy my time here in New Orleans."

Myth 2: Special Events are Hard to Come By

With Slyce Properties, each 1/6 owner is guaranteed at least one special event stay if they want it, alongside two more general stays, and unlimited space-available and short-notice stays annually. Missed your first-choice holiday? Our rotating priority system ensures you'll have plenty of opportunities to secure that special date in the future. As our CEO notes, diverse travel preferences among co-owners mean holiday clashes are rare, not the norm— believe it or not, not everyone wants Mardi Gras or Jazz Fest!

Myth 3: It's Like Timeshare Scheduling

Slyce Properties is nothing like a timeshare. Our scheduling is real-time and responsive, giving owners the freedom to enjoy their New Orleans home several times a year without the rigid constraints of timeshare models. Owner Brandon says, “Scheduling is easy, the availability is amazing and we just show up and the property is immaculate.”

Myth 4: I Can’t Get the Dates that I Want

By capping co-ownership at six, Slyce Properties ensures equitable access to our residences. With ownership, expect to indulge in the French Quarter lifestyle at least eight to nine times a year, for as little as a few days and as much as a few weeks each time, whatever you prefer. Our Rotating Priority System fairly allocates peak season stays, ensuring every owner enjoys their slice of New Orleans at its best, and because of varying preferences between owners, conflicts are infrequent and easily solved.

Myth 5: I Can’t Make a Last Minute Decision to Travel

Looking for a last-minute escape? Our system displays real-time availability, allowing bookings as soon as two days in advance. We at Slyce Properties believe a second home is more than just a place people visit—it's a sanctuary for creating lasting memories with friends and family. It's our mission to turn this dream into a reality for our buyers, ready to welcome them whenever they choose to escape.

Slyce Properties redefines the ease of scheduling, offering flexibility and fairness to every owner. Have a myth that we didn’t tackle? Dive into our Learn section for more insights or contact us so we can immediately answer any other questions you might have.


The New Era of Second Home Ownership in the Heart of New Orleans